Wednesday March 12th 2025 is National Stop Smoking Day

There are lots of good reasons to stop smoking  - what’s yours?

Whether it’s to improve your health, protect the health of those you love or  save money, there are so many positives. Understanding your ‘why’ is the key to a successful quit.

Watch this video which features ex-smokers sharing stories about how they've taken back their life since quitting. 


Understanding your ‘why’ is the key to a successful quit.

Protect your loved ones

When you quit smoking, you protect those around you from the health risks of breathing in second-hand smoke. Children who live with a smoker are more likely to develop asthma and suffer from chest infections. 

Save money

How much of money do you smoke away every week?

The average 10-a-day smoker spends around £40 a week on tobacco. That’s more than £2,000 a year!

Better health

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health.  Look forward to:

  • breathing easier
  • Improved energy levels
  • Brighter skin
  • boosted immune system


Less stress and anxiety

Many people think smoking helps them relax. But the truth is, smoking increases feelings of stress and anxiety by interfering with chemicals in the brain creating cravings that are only relieved by another cigarette.

Quitting is scientifically proved to beat those feelings for better mental health.

A healthier pregnancy

Every cigarette you smoke contains a cocktail of 5,000 toxic chemicals. Smoking when pregnant restricts oxygen to your baby, making their heart beat faster and increasing the risk of complications.

Quitting protects your baby and massively improves your chance of a healthy pregnancy and birth.

Better recovery

Waiting for surgery? Quitting smoking before an operation reduces the risk of complications and speeds up your recovery afterwards. Staying smokefree, gives your body the best chance of repairing itself.

Kick the Habit in 2025: A Healthier You Starts with Saying Goodbye to Smoking!

Take back your life: Quit Smoking in 2025

Smoking claims around 64,000 lives a year in England, and causes one in four of all cancer deaths in England and kills up to two-thirds of its long-term users. We know most smokers want to quit but lack a plan to do so.

Quitting without support (relying on willpower and going ‘cold turkey’) is the least effective way of quitting, but is how most quit attempts start…and then fail. This is where your NHS can help.

There are a range of free quitting support available to help smokers quit for good. These include

  • the free NHS Quit Smoking app
  • expert support from local Stop Smoking Services
  • a Personal Quit Plan tool
  • a 28-day email programme
  • advice on stop smoking aids including information on how vaping can help you quit smoking.

Scroll down to find a combination of support that’s right for you.

A woman jumping, the NHS and Better health Smoke free logo and the words "Since quitting, I've got more energy to keep up with the kids.  March 12 Take back kyour life this No Smoking Day.

Stop Smoking and Good Things Happen

It’s never too late to quit smoking and many health benefits will happen faster than you think. Here’s what can happen after your last cigarette…

flow chart of what happens in your body at each stage from stopping smoking from 20 minutes to 15 years

With the right support you’re up to three times as likely to quit for good.

Scroll down to find out more on the local support available as well as information about the NHS Quit Smoking app to help you quit smoking for good. 

Discover more on how to get free support and advice on the NHS website here>>


Contact your GP Surgery to find out how they can help you to quit smoking

FREE Stop Smoking Support In Dorset

LiveWell Dorset has everything you need to successfully quit smoking –for FREE:

  • Six 1-2-1 sessions with a behaviour change coach
  • Vape kits
  • Nicotine replacement patches and gum

Learn more about the support they can offer you in your attempt to give up smoking by following this link>>

LiveWell Dorset logo

NHS and Better Healthh Resources

The NHS logo, the words Better Health, Lets do this, Quit Smoking Start Saving.  Join the thousands of people who are quitting smoking.  Download the NHS Quit Smoking app to get started.  The Google Play and Apple App Store logos

Created for those who want to stop smoking for good, the NHS Quit Smoking app is a 28 day programme that puts practical support, encouragement, and tailored clinical advice in the palm of your hand.

The evidence suggests you are 5 times more likely to quit for good if you stay smoke free for 28 days, with this in mind we will help you on your own personal journey to quit.

The NHS Quit Smoking app

Created for those who want to stop smoking for good, the NHS Quit Smoking app is a 28 day programme that puts practical support, encouragement, and tailored clinical advice in the palm of your hand.

The evidence suggests you are 5 times more likely to quit for good if you stay smoke free for 28 days, with this in mind we will help you on your own personal journey to quit.

Use the NHS Quit Smoking app to help you quit smoking and start breathing easier.

The app allows you to:

  • track your progress
  • see how much you're saving
  • get daily support
  • get inspired by others

If you can make it to 28 days smoke-free, you're 5 times more likely to quit for good!

Scroll down to watch a video to find out how it works>>


Download the NHS Quit Smoking app here

Create a Personal Quit Plan

Don't know where to start? Answer a few simple questions to get a Personalised Quit Plan, designed to support you every step of the way.

With tailored advice and practical tips, this plan gives you the tools to quit smoking and stay smoke free for good.

The plan can help you to:

  • manage cravings
  • identify your triggers
  • find the best products and support for you

Follow this link to get your Personal Quit Plan>>

a smartphone with the Personal Quit Plan on it

Sign up for daily email support

Sign up for daily email support to get tips and advice direct to your inbox throughout your 28 day quit smoking journey, and occasional emails after that to help keep you on track.

Register to receive emails from NHS Smokefree here>>

The Better Health and NHS logos and the words Let's do this