Our Mission
Crane Valley PCN – ensuring a sustainable health service for our local community
We are committed to ensuring the best health and well-being outcomes for our local community through offering a range of services that provide the right support, in the right place, at the right time.
To achieve this, we will:
- Work with our patients to ensure they start well, live well and age well
- Work with our staff to create an environment that encourages learning, continuous improvement and innovation
- Work with NHS Dorset Integrated Care System partners to enhance the health and well-being of our community.
Our Ambitions are to:
- Support and sustain our member practices to play their role in delivering the best possible primary care
- Reduce health inequalities across the Network by ensuring the highest quality service and access to care for all residents in the PCN catchment area
- Achieve better patient outcomes through proactive primary care
- Work collaboratively with our partners to deliver innovative programmes that help our patients manage and improve their long-term conditions.
Our Values
- Commitment to the highest quality of care
- Working in collaboration and partnership
- Seeking continuous improvement
- Fostering respect and dignity
- Openness and transparency.