PCN Pharmacy Services
Our pharmacy team is comprised of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
These jobs have different training requirements and complement each other to help ensure patients get the best from their medications in terms of efficacy and safety. All our pharmacists will have, or be working towards, the prescribing qualification that allows them to independently start and stop medications for patients within their area of competence.
Our pharmacy team helps individual practices with a wide range of medication-related subjects. Scroll down for a guide to some of these areas.

Structured medication reviews (SMRs). These are carried out by pharmacists and are targeted at patients deemed most in need, for example, those with ten or more medications on repeat prescriptions. The pharmacists will have 30 minutes for these appointments, which allows them to look at all the medicines in detail and ensure the patients’ thoughts and wishes regarding their medications are heard.
High-risk drug monitoring. Our team helps practices to ensure that patients on medication that requires close monitoring are invited for their required blood tests. Any abnormal results are highlighted to a pharmacist or the patient’s GP for review. For example, all patients on anticoagulant medication have their dose monitored at least annually to check that it is correct for the individual.
Out of stocks. Our team works with local community pharmacies to help source medication and supply alternatives to unavailable items. The number of medicines that are unavailable has increased dramatically in recent years. To help the team manage this workload, patients will be asked to try sourcing their medication from multiple pharmacies before returning to the surgery for an alternative.
Medication queries. Our team has some appointment slots available each day for the reception teams to book into so that we can help patients with medication queries they have, such as potential side effects they may be experiencing or lacking clarity around a dose.
Medicines reconciliation. When patients are seen for care elsewhere, medications may be stopped or started. Our team help to make sure that the patient’s repeat prescription is up to date with the latest changes. Patients may be contacted to check that the new medications suit them or to issue different doses when a drug is being titrated (slowly increasing the dose of a medicine by very small amounts over days, weeks, or even months to find the correct dose that is effective for you).
- Resources for Patients
- Insulin Products
- Medicine sick day guidance – AKI risk
- SGLT2 Inhibitors