Patient Stories

Calling all Dorset residents

Have you used a digital health tool or app, like the NHS App or BP@Home? NHS Dorset want to hear from you! 

Please help by sharing your experience by filling out this quick survey here>>

How will your story be used?
Your stories help us raise awareness of these life-changing tools and improve our services. They may be featured on NHS Dorset platforms, shared in communications, and used in marketing to promote our digital services.

Scroll down to view the stories of patients who have used Our Dorset's BloodPressure@HomeService and other digital health tools.

Thank you for helping us make healthcare better for everyone in Dorset!

a man using a smartphone, the NHS Dorset logo and the words, Have you used a digital health tool or app? We need your stories and experiences to support people in Dorset and inspire others to adopt these life=changing tools.